Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cosmetic Allergen Alert Campaign

just as with food, i believe that those of us with major allergies should be able to look at ANY label and see the words "MAY CONTAIN" followed by an allergen.  and likewise, if the product does not contain any gluten, it should have the GF label on it.  so what can we do about it?  we can band together.  i'm starting a campaign, Cosmetic Allergen Alert.  if you have a major allergy, please consider joining the campaign to contact the FDA and require allergy labels on cosmetic and drug products!!! 

i'm not entirely sure how i'll be going about this.  i do know that to start with, i need YOUR help.  if you have one of the eight major allergies -
*tree nuts
i need to know if you've ever encountered that allergy in a cosmetic product.  that can be makeup, hair care, body products (such as body wash, soap, lotion, scrubs, shaving cream, etc), or any kind of drug or medication.  from there, i plan to contact the FDA with my findings.  i know i'm not the only person in the world who has dealt with this.  and what if my allergy to wheat was severe?  what if it was a peanut allergy?  anaphylaxis?  has anyone considered the fact that someone with a severe allergy might encounter an "organic" product that contained their specific allergen?  who wants to go into anaphylactic shock in the shower because of a shampoo????  these things should be clearly labeled.  so if you agree, please comment below, leaving your first name, location (state only), and blog address if you have one.  share this blog with your readers.  when i have fifty names, i'll start the FDA complaint process.  i believe this to be important.  i know that my reaction of acne and a flaky scalp seem minor to some.  but does that mean that i should have to carry my list of products in my purse -

cosmetic ingredients containing gluten:
hyrolyzed malt extract
hydrolyzed wheat protein
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
wheat germ
vitamin e
barley extract
fermented grain extract
oat (avena sativa)
samino peptide complex
phytosphingosine extract
triticum vulgare
dextrin palmitate
Secale Cereale
Sodium C8-16 Isoalkylsuccinyl Wheat Protein Sulfonate
yeast extract
anything with wheat in the name

- so i can cross check ALL ingredients before i buy?  there are so many other things i could be doing with that time.  because, again, if it was a serious allergy, it would be taken seriously.  and i know that my frustration level was just as serious.  and if you've been through this, you know what i mean. 

it's becoming easier and easier to EAT gluten free.  shouldn't it also become easier to LIVE gluten (or dairy or egg or fish or nut) free???

1 comment:

  1. You need to check your sun screen!! Many manufacturers have gluten in this product! There are a couple manufacturers who dont!

    I buy the Mary Kay it seems to work for me!!!


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